Sweet Treats Bring Great Progress to Amman Imman

The kind of support we receive at Amman Imman varies from one-time donations and events to continuous assistance from groups and schools. We love it when we can encourage schools to not only hold events, but to teach the students how to be Heroes of Compassion by learning about the people of the Azawak and the struggles they face. 

In 2012, teacher Jessie Bradley connected the students at Caughman Road Elementary in South Carolina to our Wells of Love program. Five Montessori classrooms at Caughman led the way, raising awareness among their peers in 15 additional regular education classrooms.The entire school participated, ages 4 - 11. 

Adam grows fruit in his garden
in the Azawak village of Kijigari, where programs from AI help improve living conditions.
The Montessori students worked very hard to raise funds leading many activities to inform the community and engage them in taking action. To begin their awareness-raising efforts, the children took home information to their parents, and the staff members were informed of the program as well. They set up a personal fundraising page where the parents and staff could donate directly to the school’s cause. This was a fantastic precursor to what they planned next: they used an already existing school activity, the Harvest Festival, to hold a bake sale for Amman Imman. This is a perfect example of how easy it can be to incorporate humanitarian efforts into everyday school activities! 

Through both individual donations from parents/staff and the bake sale held at the Harvest Festival, the students at Caughman Road raised $940.00, a significant sum! This money, received in 2014, will assist in our programs and efforts being made in the Azawak region by Amman Imman, such as providing mosquito nets to villages, supporting the women’s cooperatives, and building new boreholes in other communities in the region.

Thank you very much for your contribution, Caughman Road Elementary, and we hope that you will continue to support us and our friends in the Azawak!


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