Part 2 - Songs of Thanks as Drilling Begins

Dear Friends of the Azawak,drilling begins resized.jpg
At 5 AM the next morning, the construction site glowed from miles away while temporary light structures lit the otherwise dark and barren landscape. Denis sat with villagers of all ages in anticipation while 9 meter drilling tubes were loaded onto the drill bit. Then, whoosh, drilling began.  Silt and mud churned out, as the machine drilled deeper and deeper.  A sediment sample was taken every meter drilled, and set aside for examination.

As the dawn of the day brought the hot sun to shine on Kijigari, village children crowded in glee around the drilling site.  Young girls danced and sang songs in Tamashek -- the local language -- giving thanks that their long trips in search for water would end, as water would soon flow in their home.  The children's exaltation was coupled late afternoon when sediment samples proved the presence of water.

180 meters deep into the ground, initial drilling ended. water and rejoicing resized.jpg 

On Monday: Part 3 - Placing Permanent Tubing and Blowing Air to Clean 180 meters Deep



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