Downloadable School Presentation Kit Available!

To download curriculum resources and presentations for Wells of Love, please go to
The beginnings of a Presentation Kit for Schools, containing tools for presenting Program Amman Imman, including Ariane's PowerPoint Presentation, are now available for downloading!
The documents (Media Articles about Amman Imman, Informational Handouts, the PowerPoint Presentation and Supplemental Documents) will be helpful as aids when you present the project to your community with your students. Many thanks to Ariane for providing these tools for us!

Instructions for downloading the documents and the powerpoint presentation are as follows:

1. Go to
2. Enter the password: educakit. (You may have to enter it more than once - don't give up!)
3. Once the password is accepted, you will be taken to an idisk public folder entitled Montessori Amman Imman School Presentation Documents.
4. When you get there, simply follow the directions on the folder and download the files you need. (Important: Please refer to the descriptions below for additional information about the files.)
5. As a courtesy, please email me at to let me know that you have downloaded the files.

The following list describes the contents of each downloadable folder:

Informational Handouts (Microsoft Word Documents)

  • Amman Imman Information Flyer: This 2-page document can be made into a flyer that students can take home to share with their family, friends and neighbors.
  • Direct Appeal For Help from the Azawak: This letter contains a plea for help from the people themselves.
  • Maps of Niger and the Azawak Region
  • Amman Imman Mission Statement: This document can be made into a small informational flyer. (updated 12/10/06)

Media Articles
PDF Document (requires Adobe Acrobat)

  • Yale Medicine, Water is Life by Ariane Kirtley, Winter 2007 (added 2/11/07)
Microsoft Word Documents:

  • Yale Alumni Magazine, Sept.-Oct. 2006
  • Hartford Courant, Sept. 12, 2006
  • Louisville Courier Journal, Oct. 21, 2006
  • New Haven Register, June 2, 2006

PowerPoint Documents

Before downloading the PowerPoint Presentation,
please read this by clicking here (password=educakit)

  • Amman Imman PowerPoint Presentation: 8 MB (This will download to your computer as a Zip file and then open in Microsoft PowerPoint.) (updated 12/10/06)
  • PPT Slide Notes: a Microsoft Word document containing the text for the PowerPoint presentation.
Please note: Be patient downloading the PowerPoint Presenation!

Supplemental Documents (Microsoft Word Documents)

This information can also be found on the Amman Imman website. I’ve placed the documents here for easy access since they answer technical questions about Amman Imman’s initial plans, technical descriptions and future goals.

  • Amman Imman Pilot Phase Summary (updated 12/10/06)
  • Amman Imman Immediate and Long-Term Benefits (added 12/10/06)
  • Overview on Health, Water and Food in the Azawak (added 12/10/06)
  • Ariane Kirtley's Resume (updated 12/10/06)
I especially recommend downloading the PowerPoint Presentation. This presentation, filled with beautiful photos, poignantly illustrates the imperative need behind Ariane's mission to help the people of the Azawak. The goals of Amman Imman are reported in a highly readable document that will not only provide the necessary information to assist your fundraising efforts, but will also educate your audience. I’ve also included, separately, a document containing the notes for the PowerPoint Slides, useful as you practice the presentation. Please review the presentation; feel free to tailor it to the presenter or audience in your school and community. For example, it probably should be shortened for student presentations.

Once again, as a courtesy, please email to let me know that you have downloaded the files. Also, If you have any trouble downloading, please email me and I will try to help.


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