May 11, 9 am - 1 pm
Locust Grove Nature Center
Bethesda, MD
A Walk for Water at Locust Grove is just over a week away! It will be a festive event with educational, relevant and fun activities for all ages.
The pre-Walk expo will begin at 9 am while we gather in the meadow around the giant sycamore tree for check-in and onsite registration. African musicians will enchant us with live music. Indigenous crafts, made by artisans from Amman Imman's borehole villages, will be on display and for sale. Our A Walk for Water partners will be represented so that you can learn about their important work. Participants will be able to Pledge for Water and take part in a real-time online campaign. Students will have the opportunity to draw water from a "well" and experience carrying a water-filled container, as a child in the Azawak must do every day for as many as 30 miles.
At 10 am a short rally will remind us why we are walking together and then the 3-mile walk will begin. On the trail, students will embark on a Global Water Discovery Expedition. They will be given a questionnaire about the global water crisis and water scarcity in the Azawak region. As they walk along the trail, they will find the answers on information signs posted along the route.
Upon returning to the meadow, the festivities will continue until 1 pm with refreshments provided by our generous A Walk for Water sponsors for all to enjoy.
Come be a part of A Walk for Water. If you haven't already, we encourage you to register in advance, either by using a paper form, or online at FirstGiving.com. Event Information, flyers and fundraising tools can be found on the Locust Grove Information page. If you can’t be there, you can still be a part of the virtual “Walk for Water” by making a fundraising page or collecting donations using sponsorship form. MCPS students can earn SSL hours for participting in the event.
We thank you for your support in raising funds, sharing the messages of the water crisis affecting the people of the Azawak and believing that every person deserves clean drinking water. To acknowledge your help, every person who raises $100 or more will receive a special gift of appreciation from the artisans in our borehole villages in the Azawak.
Because of the generosity of people like you, Amman Imman recently completed construction of a 5th borehole in the Azawak. Activities that have been implemented in our borehole communities since gaining access to water include food and gardening programs, support for schools, health initiatives, an artisan cooperative and a community store. Together we are continuing to bring life-saving aid, starting with water, to children and families who desperately need it.
We hope you, your family and friends can join us for this adventurous and impactful morning in the woods of the Locust Grove Nature Center in Cabin John Regional Park, Bethesda on May 11th!
Sincerely yours,
Debra Kahn
Associate Director, Amman Imman
Wells of Love program director
Associate Director, Amman Imman
Wells of Love program director
Thank you to our partners
for their generous support:
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