Dear Debbie and Ariane,
It is with great pleasure and a happy heart that I send this donation to you today. I'm extremely proud of my students and all their efforts. They have worked so hard for this wonderful cause. All year long the students have been passionate about helping Amman Imman.
We have sold water at carlines and festivals. Each student made crafts to sell at Christmas time for the Hand-in-Hand campaign, and all but one student was able to participate in our Amman-a-thon. Additionally, many of our students were so moved by this cause that they decided to raise money at home by selling soaps door to door, setting up a road side fruit stand, selling drawings, and selling candy. Other students donated allowances with parent matching their amount. Many students are part of a local girl scout troop, which graciously donated part of their girl scout cooking money to Amman Imman.
The generosity of our students and parents continue daily.
Our school has participated in many other fundraising events, but no other organization or cause has created this large an impact on our students. I speak for all staff members at Five Oaks Academy in saying, Amman Imman and the efforts on behalf of Amman Imman have inspired our students to understand the true importance of philanthropic giving and helping others less fortunate.
I feel blessed to be a part of such a remarkable cause. Thank you both for your support and efforts.
In Peace and Love,
Bonnie Benthall and Five Oaks Academy
Thank you, Bonnie, for being a beacon of light
for your students and the children of the Azawak.
You are an inspiration to teachers everywhere
who want to teach their students
what it means to give and take action.
Here are some photos from the Five Oaks Amman-a-thon through which the students engaged their philanthropic spirit, improved their athletic abilities, and employed their math skills while raising funds.

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