Holiday Campaign: A Cup of Water

A Cup of Water

This holiday season, give a cup of water to a child who cannot live without it.

Dear Friends,

During this time of giving, Amman Imman: Water Is Life invites you to contribute to building a borehole well in honor of someone you care about.

In the Azawak Valley of West Africa, families struggle to survive amid a lengthening drought in a region where there is no water. Sadly, one out of every two children dies before their fifth birthday – 25% of them from thirst.

In this region home to half a million people, one borehole well can change the lives of 25,000. Your gift will help bring water – and hope – to the people of the Azawak.

Agali, Tuareg boy, age 4

Every $50 you contribute will provide water for two children currently dying of thirst.

To thank you for your sponsorship, for every $50 you give a card showcasing this photo of Agali will be sent to you or a recipient of your choice.

Donors who give $250 or more will receive a special 2009 Amman Imman calendar featuring beautiful photographs of the Azawak.

Thank you and happy holidays,
Ariane and the Amman Imman team

To order by mail, please enclose the information at right with a check* mailed to:

Amman Imman
c/o The Friendship Caravan
4212 36th Street South, A1
Arlington, VA 22206

To order online, please donate* through our website here (please note "gift card").

*Minimum donation of $50 to receive a gift card. Please submit separate ordering information for each recipient you choose to honor.

Ordering information
1. Name
2. Street address, city, state, zip, country
3. Email address
4. My gift of $____ has been enclosed as a check / donated online (please specify).
5. Send the card to me / my recipient (please specify).
6. Recipient's name, street address, city, state, zip, country

Donate to Amman Imman

Amman Imman is a program of
The Friendship Caravan, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization

4212 - 36th Street South, A1 Arlington, VA 22206 (203) 468-8313


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