Pictures from A Walk For Water 2008 in Maryland

A Walk For Water,
a walk for children by children
May 17, 2008

Lake Frank in Derwood, Maryland provided a wonderful natural setting for A Walk for Water.

Volunteers arrived early in the morning to set up the Check-In and Refreshment tables.

Children who arrived early enjoyed the challenge of climbing up the steep hillside...

....or hanging out with friends.

Each registrant received a beautiful button, a bottle of cold Honest Tea, and a fruit from My Organic Market.

By 10:00 am, 200 people gathered for the Rally.

"What we are doing here together today
will make a difference in the lives of people
who have no water."

Michael Kirtley thanked the teachers, students and parents
from Aidan Montessori, Barrie School, Boyd School,
Henson Valley Montessori and Oneness-Family School
for joining with Amman Imman to help the people of the Azawak.

Michael introduced Attaher Mohamed,
a young man born in the Azawak, who attends college in Pennsylvania.
Attaher thanked everyone
for participating in A Walk For Water.

"I do not know how to express my joy
to tell you how much I appreciate
what you are doing for the people of Azawak."

"You are saving lives."

The students got ready to begin walking with the banner....

....taking turns to hold it.

By walking together with students from several schools,
their voices were louder than if they'd walked by themselves.

Just the action of walking expressed,
"I can do something. I can make something happen."

Amman Imman: Water is Life is saving and improving lives
by bringing water to those who have none; so are these children.

The Walk took everyone along a beautiful forest path....

....where nature traded secrets....

...and revealed surprises.

As each person came off the trail,

They expressed jubilance...

...and joy!

Their walk through the woods on this beautiful May day
was more than a walk in the park.
It more than symbolized the marathon walk
that the children in the Azawak have to take everyday to find water.
It made a statement about
what we can do when we come together.

It felt good.

At the check out table, each registrant received a certificate.

You are a Hero of Compassion,

and a Global Change-Maker.

With each step, you helped bring
the children and families of the Azawak of West Africa
closer to their dream of having water.

We thank our bus drivers...

who shuttled people to and from their cars,

our team of volunteers who came early to set up,

and our trail "sweepers" who stayed to clean up.

We appreciate everyone who helped make A Walk For Water a day to remember.
Thank you to the parents who supported the teachers,
the teachers who supported the children,
and the children who gave their time and attention to the people of the Azawak.

We learn through your giving hearts.

...we are still in the process of totaling the funds for A Walk For Water. So far it looks like over $12K has been raised.


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