The blog has been freshened with a new design. Your feedback and contributions are always welcome. Read all the latest posts on the blog at by scrolling down or go to these specific entries:

On April 13th, Ariane Kirtley and several Amman Imman volunteers attended Breakthrough: the Women, Faith and Development Summit held at the National Cathedral in Washington DC. On April 14th, Ariane participated at the Summit's Leadership Council, attended by world leaders. Read more about Amman Imman's affiliation with this global alliance for women and girls here: Breakthrough Summit for Women: Meet Basic Needs First .
A new Amman Imman YouTube video has been posted. Please read the post, Deep Wells in the Azawak, that describes the struggle to get water in a place where basically there is none. Then, I invite you to watch the video.
Recently Amman Imman has been featured on several websites. Get the entire scoop on all the Amman Imman sightings at the post Amman Imman on the Internet. One article of particular interest was in the Gazette, a local Washington DC newspaper. You can read that article on this website:
Finding ways in which to share the human spirit while presenting the realities of the world to three year olds through thirteen year olds occupies Montessori educators. Read one perspective about how the Amman Imman project offers a that within a tangible and compassionate experience in Widening our Vision, Opening our Boundaries.
This grassroots collaboration between Amman Imman: Water is Life and Montessori schools continues to spread, mostly through the work of the students themselves:
Students in the Washington DC area have been preparing for A Walk for Water by taking initiative to invite other schools while rallying their own school. Read more at Students Take The Lead In "A Walk For Water". Several area schools are joining together . Read about how the Boyd School in Virginia got involved and what their students have to say: Walk a Mile and Give Life
In February, students from Oneness-Family School traveled to Ohio to share the project with students at the Hershey Montessori School: Pass It On: Students from Maryland share Amman Imman with students in Ohio
Since last January when Oneness-Family School students presented Amman Imman: Water is Life at the Barrie School, Barrie students have met the call to action with fundraisers and participation in A Walk For Water. Read about their latest effort in Barrie 6th Graders Dodge for a Challenge
Finally, be sure to check out the post containing Student Editions of Amman Imman Powerpoint. Powerpoint presentations can be downloaded as a tool for presenting the Amman Imman project to school communities.
Whatever you do, enjoy and appreciate!
Debra Kahn
Associate Director, Oneness-Family School
6701 Wisconsin Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Program Amman Imman websites:
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