At the beginning of the school year, each student presented a creative representation of their research to their peers.
Kiersten Byrd, owner and administrator of the school, tells me that after the December holidays the students will begin raising awareness about Amman Imman and the Azawak based on their summer research and projects.
The Dayspring Academy
Summer Homework
1. Read the article attached, “Amman Imman: Water is Life”Summer Homework
2. Research and answer the following questions related to the article:
a. Who are the Azawak?
b. Where do the Azawak live?
c. Why do we, as human beings, need water?
d. What are the consequences for a lack of water in a community?
3. Design a program that will:
a. Educate our community (Rock Hill, Fort Mill, and surrounding areas) of the plight of the Azawak.
b. Raise money to help create water for the Azawak people.
4. Create a project you will present to your peers the first week of school. Options for your presentation include, but are not limited to: poster, presentation board, power point, original art design, original musical score and song. Use your imagination. We will decide together the best generated idea for community awareness and fundraising for the Azawak.
This will be our International Outreach Project for the year.
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