Lawrence Intermediate School: A Walk For Water

Lawrence Intermediate School in Lawrenceville, NJ will do A Walk For Water on Thursday, May 24. Two Hundred and Eighty 5th grade students will walk around the perimeter of the school. Their walk will make a statement that they care about the children in the Azawak, and that they want to help make their lives better.

The idea for the walk came after the students at Lawrence Intermediate heard the Amman Imman presentation (click here to read the post). Students in Ms. Charles 5th grade class took up the cause. They made a bulletin board with Ariane's pictures illustrating the water insufficiency in the region and hung posters around the school giving information and advertising the walk. They have also appeared on the school's morning TV show asking all the students in the school (4th, 5th and 6th graders) to contribute their change to help raise funds. The change is being collected all around the school.

Teacher Lisa Charles has this to say: “As soon as our students heard about the situation in the Azawak, and that other students were helping, they wanted to help, too. It is natural for them to want to make the world a better place. For them, preparing for this walk has been a lesson in global citizenship.” Ms. Charles hopes that A Walk for Water will inspire children to know that they are needed and have an ability to make some changes in the lives of children and families on a global scale.

LIS involvement leading up to the Walk has incorporated a cross spectrum of the local community. Through a grant provided by Lawrence Township Community Foundation, volunteers from Camp Fire USA Gift of Giving Program, an organization that promotes service learning and community projects in public schools, has been working with LIS students to write letters to local businesses asking for sponsorship.

Additionally, all 280 students in the 5th grade have received a sponsorship form and the opportunity to raise funds for their brothers and sisters in the Azawak of Niger.

We look forward to hearing about the walk and seeing the pictures!


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