"I am glad to share the story of the 3rd grade girl scouts of Ascension School in Kettering, OH. All fifteen girls were given a jar to place in their home. They were to place a coin in the jar every time they used water to make them aware of how dependent they were on water. If the jar filled up before the 2 -4 week period of collection, they gave the jar to my daughter who emptied them into a larger holding jar until everyone was finished. Some of the girls turned in their jars after 2 weeks, others kept the jar for a month. The coins varied from pennies to quarters to dollars.
We taped the wonderful photo of Ariane with the children of Azawak on the baby food jar. We still have the jar in our kitchen so it reminds me of Ariane everyday and I pray she is doing well.
My son's school, Montessori Center of South Dayton in Kettering, OH, matched the funds raised by the girl scouts and hopes to have a school wide bake sale in January. The director is Barbara Scott and you have permission to list them as a participating school."
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