ASP Green Team: Promoting Global Equity

Photo courtesy of ASP Green Team Blog 

I'm convinced that shaping youth leaders who learn to serve, speak out and take action - motivated by compassion -  has an impact on equity around the world.  

Students from the American School of Paris Green Team are examples of youth in our Wells of Love program who are operating as compassionate, serving leaders.  These students attended the Global Issues Network conference in Luxembourg last week.   The conference is led by students for students.  In addition to listening to speakers and attending workshops on global equity and development, the ASP Green Team students presented Amman Imman at a workshop for other students.  Read their blog about the conference here.

The mission of the Global Issues Network  is well aligned with Wells of Love:
The Global Issues Network operates on the premise that empowering young people is fundamental to developing solutions to global issues.

Earlier in the month ASP student Sara Venkatraman asked us some very good questions to help the Green Team prepare for their presentation.  Here's Sara's question and our response: 

Question  The theme of the conference this year is "creating equal opportunities and worldwide equity as a common goal". In what other ways do you feel Amman Imman has a connection with global equity on a large scale?  How do you feel Amman Imman can help us pioneer the path to different aspects of equality both now and in the long run?    

Response  The situation in the Azawak is one example in the world where people have been left behind.   Helping people meet their most basic needs, starting with water in the case of the Azawak, is the first step towards equality.  Amman Imman’s approach in the Azawak is a model for the world of how to pioneer a path towards equity where it previously had no chance of thriving.   

Promoting global equity on a large scale starts with a small scale approach.   The first thing we do is listen. Successful sustainable development, that lays the foundation for equity to be attained, places the needs of the people first. We work with the people to make our boreholes “Oases of Life” from which life-enriching activities, such as economic opportunities, education, food production and environmental protection activities, are generated.   When the people are empowered, equity can flourish. 

Additionally, as Amman Imman works with young people through the Wells of Love program, we are fostering a generation of youth who care about people and are dedicated to helping those who are vulnerable gain access to what is essential for a good life.    Nurturing attitudes about equity in youth of priviledge is essential for global equity on a large scale both now and in the future.

Thank you, ASP Green Team, for your caring and your initiative!   



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