Anna Stoysich, a 6-9 teacher at Spruce Pine Montessori in North Carolina tells about their recent fundraiser:
Our class studied Africa this year. Lead teacher Mary Wray and I accompanied the students on a field trip to a program just outside of Ashevile, North Carolina called "Water is Life". This field trip influenced us to give to a cause such as yours. The "Water is Life" program taught our students in a hands-on sort of way how clean, accessible water is dispersed throughout the world. We saw on a huge world map (the size of a gymnasium) that many countries in Africa, Asia, and Central and South America do not have access to good clean water.
So our class decided to sing for water as a fundraiser. Every week throughout the school year, a volunteer, Katey Schultz, plays her acoustic guitar and sings with the children for their music class. I recorded the music on my computer and then edited the music to make CDs, titled 2008-2009 "SPMS Music Class with Katey Schultz". We sold these CDs at our end-of-the-year play. So far we have raised about $108.17 for your Wells of Love project. We are continuing to sell the cd's and as we receive more money we will continue to send it to you.
We thank Anna, Mary and the children of Spruce Pine Montessori!
Your songs for water are the songs of life!
Your songs for water are the songs of life!
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