Tie the project into the curriculum Here are a few ideas, and there are many more possibilities!
- As you study the water cycle, relate that throughout the Azawak the water table is at least 600 feet below the surface, too deep for regular well-digging.
- In your study of simple machines, note that the deep open wells in the Azawak utilize a pulley system. However, with the depth of the wells at 300 feet and deeper, the people cannot not power the pulleys themselves but need the assistance of donkeys who often collapse in the process.
- Research the global water crisis, learn about nomadic cultures, discuss political and environmental implications that affect the people in the Azawak and why they do not have the resources they need.
- Resources:
A Trip With Drip: The Water Drop
a learning by doing workbook on water for children published by the United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP)
Every Body Counts, Every Drop Matters
United Nations Classroom Resource Guide on Water, designed to inform studentsabout the world's water resources and get them involved in preserving them.
Leila, A Tuareg Child
from the Children of the World series
Nomads of Niger, photographs by Carol Beckwith, text by Marion Van Offelen
a photographic journey into the traditions and lives of the Wodaabe Fulani, the pastoral nomads of West Africa
Art of Being Tuareg, Sahara Nomads in a Modern World, edited by Thomas K. Seligman and Kristyne LoughranLearn about the Amman Imman's project in the Azawak
examines the mystique of the Tuareg through photographs and essays on aspects of Tuareg life and culture. (Recently I had the chance to see the exhibit, Art of Being Tuareg, Sahara Nomads in a Modern World, at the National Museum of African Art in Washington D.C. I'm not sure where this amazing exhibit is going next, but if you get a chance, do visit it! )
To learn about the Amman Imman project in the Azawak, spend some time familiarizing yourself with the Amman Imman website where you can find valuable information about the people of the Azawak, water insufficiency in the region, and Amman Imman's project to build boreholes as a sustainable solution to the water scarcity.
Listen and watch Ariane Kirtley's presentation of the project
1. Amman Imman presentation, January 2007
This 38 minute movie features footage from the Azawak. In it, Ariane tells the story of why she started the project and describes the circumstances under which the children and families live with a daily trek in search of water. Please bear in mind that this video was made in January, 2007 and so does not include information about Amman Imman's installation of the borehole at Tangarwashane.
2. Amman Imman presentation, October 26, 2007
In this movie, Ariane presents Amman Imman to a group of people in the Washington D.C. area. She shares her story, the story of Amman Imman and its first success, the Tangarwashane borehole, and the story of how schools and students around the world are helping save lives in the Azawak. Although the video in this movie is a bit jumpy, it does contain the most up-to-date information. Therefore this would be worth listening to as you prepare for your presentation. (Suggestion: when you go to this website, let the movie load before clicking on play.)
Download the Powerpoint

The powerpoint presentation, together with the script, contains up-to-date and detailed information about the project, including photos of the completed borehole at Tangarwashane. Download it at a .ppt file through scribd.com.
Tailor the script to the presenters and their audience
Once you learn about the project and review the script, you will want to tailor it to your audience. It contains many details and may need to be simplified depending upon the age of presenters.
For examples of scripts tailored to different audiences, see the following:
Presentation for Elementary Students: Download this file for your students to present the project to other students ages 8 -12.
Presentation for MS Students: Download this file for your students to present to Middle School and older audiences.
(Download as .ppt file to get scripts.)
Make it personal: add to the powerpoint presentation
Tell why this project is important to you. Add slides to the powerpoint presentation to show what other schools have done and how your school plans to raise awareness and funds.
Practice the presentation
Remember to speak slowly and connect with your audience by making eye contact. Before making the presentation to your community, practice in front of a small audience.
Enjoy sharing this project
I have found that people are truly moved by hearing about the Amman Imman project. Not only are they touched by the plight of the people in the Azawak and therefore want to help, but they are inspired by the efforts of children actively working to tell the world about this crisis.
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