For those schools, students and individuals interesting in presenting the Amman Imman project to their community, please note that we are in the process of updating the powerpoint presentation. The new presentation includes information learned during the Amman Imman team's most recent trip to the Azawak this past spring. It also contains pictures of the new borehole system, including the animal troughs and faucet structure that is providing water to people and their animals in Tangarwashane as well as the nomadic population passing through that area.

Within the next couple of weeks the script for that presentation will be ready. Then, we will make both the presentation and script available for downloading.
Update Jan, 2008, Powerpoint and script now available! For information and download instructions, please go to this post: Powerpoint Available
Meanwhile, if you would like to receive an email notice when the download is available, please leave a message on the blog by filling out the form on the side bar at the top right.
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