In August, schools in New Zealand held A Walk For Water as part of their Montessori Centenary celebration. 700 children and adults from four schools participated in raising funds which totaled approximately nz$3515.
Anja Geelan, head of Tawa Montessori Pre-School in Wellington, New Zealand reports to us on the children's continued enthusiasm:
Our children are still talking about Azawak. There isn’t a child in our preschool who doesn’t know were Niger is on the Africa puzzle map! We raised nz$1200 (a preschool of 30 children).
I was hoping to bring Ariane over to New Zealand in April next year, but that doesn’t seem to work out with MANZ, our Montessori Association. I am not giving up, though, hopefully we can find some other way of bringing Ariane over here one day! We keep following your blog and the developments in Azawak.
Ka kite ano from New Zealand!
Arohanui : When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we shall know peace
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