(a much larger organization) had over 150 votes.
We have 8 more days to spread the word, recruit supporters
and make Amman Imman a front runner... we can do it!
For the two week period from September 1 through September 14, the Razoo Speed Granting theme is Change your Water World. $1000 will be offered to organizations providing solutions
Erica George, a Brandeis alum on the Harvard University staff, cast her vote for Amman Imman and submitted this comment:
I'm specially attached to this particular project because it's being organized by a worldwide group of Montessori school students. I was a Montessori student for my elementary school years, and it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. One of my favorite parts of my Montessori education was being encouraged to exert my power in the world, and never told something was too big a dream.Some of the other organizations entered into this contest are much larger than Amman Imman and seem to have votes pouring in. Please help the votes flow our way! I know that if we work together we can make this happen:
I'm excited to see an ambitious project being undertaken by Montessori students now, so I'm hoping I can help support the project to win the votes it needs for this micro-grant. The current top vote-getters are larger organizations, and it's my feeling that micro-grants should go to smaller projects. Please vote Amman Imman!
If you are not currently a member of Facebook, you can join up at www.facebook.com. If you are a member of Facebook, click here to go to the Razoo Speed Granting Contest link and vote for Amman Imman. Please, don't stop there! After you vote, ask your friends to lend their support by voting. Certainly, $1000 will not cover the costs of drilling a deep borehole well in the Azawak, but it will contribute to our cause and also make more and more people aware of the circumstances in this abandoned region.
Remember, we have until midnight on September 14 to get as many votes as possible, so let's work together and make something happen!
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